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Harnessing the power
of a shared global purpose

Strength lies in numbers

With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the nations of the world aspire to change the world. Adopted by the members of the UN in 2015, they lay out in the 2030 Agenda what the global community wants to achieve by the end of this decade – in terms of people, planet and prosperity. Clariant is dedicated to contributing to these goals and making them our common reality.

The SDGs offer a global framework for our most pressing societal and environmental needs, expressing them in a common language and clear set of actions for all stakeholders. At the same time, the SDGs also translate into a business opportunity as they offer powerful avenues to unleash innovation and growth. Clariant is committed to working toward this transformative agenda with its innovative and sustainable products and services, sound environmental management, and commitment to upholding human rights across its operations and supply chains.

While we contribute to all SDGs to different degrees, we have identified six where we can make a particularly positive impact. These are our focus SDGs and they are tightly interlinked with the six focus areas of our sustainability strategy.

Together with SDG 17, which calls for using strong partnerships to achieve all other goals, they form the core of our global efforts. Four of the relevant goals are paired, as their relevance to Clariant cannot be evaluated independently of one another.

good health and well being
good health and well being
SDG 3 / SDG 12
Good health and well-being, Responsible consumption and production

Nothing is as precious as good health. At Clariant, we are deeply committed to creating a safe workplace. We also take responsibility for the safety and sustainability of the chemicals we produce and the resources we consume. Strong product stewardship and innovation capabilities enable Clariant to continuously develop solutions that support the sound management of chemicals, reduce resource consumption, waste and pollution, and offer safer chemistry alternatives.

Our commitment to safe workplaces
SDG 12
Making food packaging more circular
affordable and clean energy
climate acction
SDG 7 / SDG 13
Affordable and clean energy and Climate action

Affordable and clean energy is intrinsically linked to climate action. For this very reason, Clariant steers its energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions through ambitious absolute reduction targets. We also support the SDGs through our products and solutions, among them those that support renewable energy production, such as our sunliquid® technology, or energy and emission reductions for our customers.

Many of our sites run on renewable energies
SDG 13
How we are fighting climate change
industry innovation and infrastructure
Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Committing to sustainable industrialization and innovation, businesses can contribute to development efforts in the regions in which they operate. We are dedicated to contributing to SDG 9 and have set ambitious climate and environmental targets. To achieve this, we are modernizing our operations via digitalization, upgrading equipment to achieve higher yields and energy efficiencies and investing heavily in innovation and process technology development. Beyond our own operations we design products that enable greater adoption of environmentally sound technologies and processes.

How our innovations make the difference to everyday essentials
partnerships for the goals
SDG 17
Partnerships for the goals

The world is a complex place, and many issues can’t be solved alone. But we believe in the power of partnerships in all areas of business and for sustainability. Collaboration along the value chain transforms separate players into a strong team and creates solutions with more impact than what might be achieved with isolated efforts.

SDG 17
Collaborating for change
  • Sustainability targets
    Clariant sets a strong focus on continuously steering its environmental performance towards increased sustainability and setting new environmental benchmarks through leading-edge operations and innovation. With our vision to become climate neutral by 2050, we have set ourselves ambitious targets that allow us to measure our success on the basis of clearly defined metrics.
  • People
    Beim Thema Verantwortung geht es uns zuallererst um unsere Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Mitarbeitenden. Wir beschäftigen mehrere Tausend Mitarbeitende in über 60 Ländern auf fünf Kontinenten. Folglich besteht bei unseren Mitarbeitenden eine ausgeprägte Vielfalt. Allen Mitarbeitenden teilen ihre Leidenschaft für unsere Mission und ihr Einsatz für alles, was ihnen am Herzen liegt. Diese Haltung stärkt uns und ist der Grund, warum Clariant nach einer Organisationsstruktur strebt, die ebenso vielfältig ist und den Stärken und Eigenschaften seiner Mitarbeiter Rechnung trägt.
  • EcoTain®
    Der erste Schritt zu einer besseren Zukunft liegt darin, die Herausforderungen von heute zu lösen. Wir leben heute in einer Welt, die mit einer Vielzahl komplexer Probleme und wachsenden Anforderungen konfrontiert ist. Wir bei Clariant befinden uns auf einem langen Weg. Auf diesem Weg begegnen uns immer neue Herausforderungen – für jeden Einzelnen, für die Umwelt, für die Gesellschaft und für die Wirtschaft – auf die wir mit verändertem Denken und Handeln antworten müssen.
  • Integrated Report 2023
    In our Integrated Report, we provide information on our progress in the last financial year and on our goals for the future.


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