The first TexCare soil release polymer with rheology control technology
TexCare Gemini SG Terra: One product. Double function.
Depending on the individual design of a product, the addition of a soil release polymer may lead to a drop in viscosity. In most cases, this »thinning effect« can easily be remedied by adding salt to the formulation. But if salt is not an option, things can quickly become complicated – and expensive. Supplementary thickeners are needed to re-adjust the viscosity level. These often result in increased formulation costs and greater complexity due to the higher number of ingredients.
In contrast to most thickeners, TexCare Gemini SG Terra also has a high renewable carbon index (RCI) of 80%. As part of our earth-friendly Terra range, it supports Clariant’s and the industry’s transition to more sustainable carbon.
Rheology control technology
Our new high-performing soil release polymer with rheology control technology for liquid laundry detergents is your perfect match if thickening with salt is not a viable option.
TexCare Gemini SG Terra removes the need for re-adjusting viscosity with supplementary thickeners. This eliminates the respective additional costs and reduces formulation complexity.
Comparing the non-thinning effect against the benchmark
Watch this short video and see for yourself how TexCare Gemini SG Terra fares against the current market benchmark.