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Clariant showcases breakthrough in sustainable catalysis at the 57th Annual Meeting of German Catalysis Researchers

Weimar, Germany – April 16, 2024

The 57th Annual German Catalysis Meeting, held in the historic city of Weimar from March 13-15, 2024, witnessed the recognition of exceptional contributions to the field of catalysis.  Clariant took the center stage to unveil revolutionary innovations in industrial green catalysis through presentations and exhibitions, highlighting new solutions that pave the way for a more sustainable chemical industry.  Also among the highlights of this prestigious event was the presentation of the Jochen Block Prize 2024 by the German Society for Catalysis. This coveted award celebrates the groundbreaking work of young researchers who have significantly advanced the science of catalysis.

»Clariant had a strong presence at this year's 57th Annual German Catalysis Meeting demonstrating cutting-edge catalysis research that highlighted our focus on scaling innovation to drive sustainability. Our team presented developments across key areas like data-driven catalyst design, chromium-free catalysts, CO2 valorization, energy transition and hydrogen supply chain efficiency, among others. We believe that catalysts as sustainability driver and business growth goes hand-in-hand and that by working together with partners, we can maximize this field's potential for necessary transformative progress 

Andreas Reitzmann, Head of Clariant's R&D Center Heufeld 

Clariant_Group photo at booth_26-04-2024
Clariant delegation to the 57th Annual German Catalysis Meeting headed by Andreas Reitzmann (2nd from left) Head of R&D Center Heufeld (Source: Clariant)

Over 400 experts gathered as Clariant experts presented breakthroughs like:

  • Faster innovation cycles through data-driven catalyst design
  • Sustainable chromium-free catalyst formulations to replace hazardous conventional options
  • Novel catalysts to enable hydrogen storage and supply through improved ammonia synthesis, ammonia cracking, and water gas shift processes, supporting energy transition and an efficient hydrogen economy
  • Optimized catalysts to convert CO2 into methanol, transforming a greenhouse gas to value
ClariantPhotoCatalysts chrmomiufree soolutionHuqing Song16042024
Huiqing Song's scientific session on Chromium-free solutions. (Source: Clariant)
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Oliver Richter's scientific session on Data-driven research strategy. (Source: Clariant)
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The Awarding of the Jochen Block Prize to Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Franken. (Source: Clariant)

The Awarding of the Jochen Block Prize to Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tanja Franken.

Clariant also assumed the sponsorship of the prestigious Jochen Block Prize, awarded this year to Jun-Prof. Dr. Tanja Franken for her pioneering work on novel catalysts for renewable fuel and chemical production.

By supporting young talent, Clariant empowers the next generation of scientists to develop the catalysts and technologies of the future. The company’s commitment also cements its role as a driving force in advancing more sustainable chemical processes.

With its presentations, Clariant emphasized using breakthrough science to transition towards net-zero systems.

By collaborating across academia and industry, the company is pioneering solutions for improved resource use, efficient energy access and safe chemical processes.

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