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Clariant’s purpose to enable ‘Greater chemistry – between people and planet’ extends beyond its commercial activities. Across the five continents where we operate, we not only act as a responsible employer but also as a neighbor to actively contribute to social progress in our communities. This is why we established the Clariant Foundation.

About the Clariant Foundation

Established in 2014, the Clariant Foundation is a purely philanthropic non-profit organization based in Switzerland. The Foundation operates as independent management and supports organizations and projects worldwide.

Our mission

The Clariant Foundation supports funding ideas and projects proposed from individuals, organizations, and institutions, with a particular emphasis on underprivileged children and teenagers and across our four focus areas:

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Culture and the arts

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Science and research

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Social commitment

We focus our resources on selected projects where we can make a difference. In addition, our philanthropic donations complement contributions from Clariant employees who are at the heart of corporate citizenship and volunteering activities – and rightly so.

Highlights: our impact


30 projects supported by the Clariant Foundation
in 2023

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Grant partners in 12 countries


Want to learn more? Download our 2023 Clariant Foundation report.


The Clariant Foundation’s work is steered by a Board represented by Conrad Keijzer (Chairman), Günter von Au (Vice Chairman), Judith Bischof and Bettina A. Siggelkow.

The Board meets four times a year and jointly makes decisions about the applications in accordance with the mission and purpose of the Foundation.

The Clariant Foundation is a member of proFonds, the umbrella organization of charitable foundations in Switzerland.

Only projects submitted electronically are considered for evaluation.

Application requirements

  • Projects will be preselected by the Foundation’s managing office, following consideration with regards to their adherence with the Foundation’s scope. Applicants not in scope will be notified electronically.
  • The Clariant Foundation only grants funds to recognized institutions and not to private individuals.
  • A valid application must include, amongst others, the following aspects: summary of the organization, contact information, specification and purpose of the project or program that needs funding project start, total costs for its realization, and amount sought from the Foundation.
  • Please note that the submission of an application does not guarantee funding. Once an application has been submitted, applicants can expect a confirmation within due time.
  • The final review and decisions are taken by the Board of the Foundation.

Domicile of the Clariant Foundation:

c/o Dr. Christoph Degen
DUFOUR Advokatur AG, Notariat
Dufourstrasse 49
CH-4052 Basel

Page summary

Summarization in progress