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첨가제 (Additives)

클라리언트 첨가제사업부는 플라스틱 및 코팅, 잉크 그리고 기타 특수 용도의 기능성 효과를 위한 난연제, 기능성 첨가제, 왁스의 주요 공급자입니다.

  • 난연제 – 특허받은 비할로겐계 난연제는 나일론이나 폴리에스터 계열의 엔지니어링 열가소성 수지에 환경 친화적으로 더욱 상용성있는 보호를 제공합니다. 주요 적용분야는 스마트폰, 태블릿, 커넥터, 차단기 뿐만 아니라 건설용 내화 도료도 포함합니다.
  • 기능성첨가제 – 농업용, 자동차용, 전기전자용, 건축용, 포장재용, 섬유용 시장에 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공합니다. 제품은 산화방지제, 광 안정제, 대전방지제, 산포집제 등이 있습니다.
  • 왁스 – 주로 플라스틱, 잉크, 접착제 및 광택제 분야의 공정 및 표면 첨가제로 널리 사용 됩니다.
Sky Diver with above flying airplane and blue sky
  • Flame Retardants
    Flame retardants help to save lives by slowing down or stopping the spread of fire or reducing its intensity. They are used in anything from phones and curtains to car seats and buildings. Clariant’s halogen-free flame retardants are produced to modern standards in Germany, Switzerland and China. Their brand name Exolit® has become a byword for sustainable fire safety.
  • Performance Additives
    Additive solutions for the plastics and coatings industry. We started with single components for a multitude of challenges like thermal stabilization, sun and oxidation protection as well as flame retardancy and process stabilization, which still form the base of our portfolio. Listening closely to our customers and analyzing market needs, we used our long-term expertise and profound technical knowledge to develop special additive combinations which are designed and optimized for the needs of particular segments and applications. As simply by adding them you profit from a multitude of benefits, we call them »AddWorks« – because that is exactly what they do. As reliable, tested, and ready-to-use solutions, our AddWorks product family lowers total cost of ownership, reduces process complexity and allows you to fully focus your workforce and assets on your business. Discover the multitude of opportunities they offer for your line of work and make a tangible difference in your market!
  • Advanced Surface Solutions
    Clariant is a leading global player in the development, production and distribution of wax additives and performance polymers.

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