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벤토나이트 (Adsorbents)

클라리언트 코리아는 활성 벤토나이트 제품을 한국에서 생산, 국내 및 아시아 시장에 판매할 목적으로, 1985년 세계 굴지의 Chemical 회사인 독일 수드케미(Sud-Chemie AG)사에 의해 수드케미 코리아로 설립 되었으며, 2011년 인수를 통해  클라리언트 그룹으로 합병되었습니다. 클라리언트 포항 본사에서는 독일, 프랑스, 중국 및 세계 각지로 부터 축적된 경험과 선진 기술 그리고 다양한 종류의 원료를 이용하여, 월 14,000톤 규모의 최신 생산설비를 통해 우수한 “활성 벤토나이트” 제품 들을 생산해 오고 있습니다. 최고의 품질로 인정받고 있는 클라리언트의 벤토나이트는 주물, 토목, 제지, 사료 및 기타 특수분야에서도 광범위하게 사용되고 있으며, 해외 계열사에서 생산되는 우수한 산성 백토는 식용유 정제 및 석유화학의 점토 촉매용으로 국내에 공급되고 있습니다.

앞으로 더욱더 고객에게 만족을 드릴수 있는 회사가 되기 위하여 새로운 제품개발과 서비스 향상을 위하여 노력하는 회사가 될 것입니다.

BentoniteOk Tet2
  • Oil Purification
    TONSIL® bleaching clays for efficient purification.
  • Cargo & Device Protection
    Silica gel Desiccants, Cargo Desiccants CONTAINER DRI® II, Bentonite Desiccants DESI PAK®, and Oxygen Absorbers Oxy-Guard™ protection against moisture and oxidation.
  • Civil Engineering
    Natural BENTONIL® and MONTIGEL® drilling additives allow civil engineers to put the most daring tunneling and foundation projects into practice.
  • Feed Additives
    Clariant's TOXISORB™ product line is a range of specially developed feed additives that help bind fungal mycotoxins and help prevent them from being resorbed into animals bodies, where they may produce damaging effects. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 25% of feed worldwide is contaminated with different mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are poisonous compounds which are formed by various mold fungi belonging to the species of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. These globally found fungi grow on grain and crops and can occur either before/after harvest, during storage, on/in the food itself often under warm, damp and humid conditions. Clariant TOXISORB™ product line is a range of specially developed feed additives that help bind fungal mycotoxins and help prevent them from being resorbed into animals bodies, where they may produce damaging effects.
  • Additives for paper industry
    Clariant's paper additives OPAZIL®, OPAZIL® FFR and PITCHBENT® offer an innovative and cost-reducing solutions for reliable and productive papermaking: from pulper to reel.
  • Waste Water Treatment
    Das hocheffiziente Fällungsmittel SÜDFLOCK® K2 ermöglicht kommunalen und industriellen Kläranlagen auch die strengsten Umweltauflagen zu erfüllen.
  • Clay Specialties
    Bentonite-based specialized solutions increase quality and productivity of a wide range industries, from pharmaceuticals to ceramics.
  • Detergent Additives
    LAUNDROSIL®, LAUNDROCLIN® and LAUNDROBRIGHT® additives considerably enhance formulation and production flexibility for the ever-more demanding detergent industry.
  • PVC Stabilizers
    SORBACID® hydrotalcites enable sustainable and environmentally friendly heavy metal free PVC stabilizer formulations.
  • BTX Catalysts
    Olefin Removal in Aromatic Complexes with TONSIL ® APT and TONSIL ® CO catalysts
  • Kerosene and Jet Fuel Purification
    TONSIL ® Jet Supreme adsorbents have been establishing an outstanding status around the world.

Page summary

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