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Absorption fluid

Genosorb™ 1753

Polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers are well-established absorption fluids for scrubbing waste air and waste gas streams containing a variety of components, mostly solvents and acid gases.

Being mixtures of homologues, polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers have average molecular masses. The higher molecular weight polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers are thermally and chemically stable substances with low viscosities and low vapor pressures. They are excellent absorbents for AGR processes, mercaptane absorption and VOC abatement. In practice a large number of acid gas and waste gas purification plants are operated with Genosorb™. Gas streams ranging from 0.5 to > 500 000 Nm3/h are treated continuously.
  • Excellent selectivity
  • Low energy consumption for absorbent regeneration
  • Very low methane slip
  • Biogas upgrading and gas drying in one step
  • Used for acid gas treatment
  • Stabilized against oxidation
  • Miscible in any ratio with water
Product details
Product Function
  • Solvent
  • Gas absorption fluids
  • Gas Absorbtion Fluids
Technical Data
Molar mass [g/mol] 280
Appearance   pale yellow, clear
Boiling range at 1013mbar [°C] >250
Vapour pressure at 20°C [mbar] <0.002
Density at 20°C [g/cm3] 1.03
Setting point [°C] -23
Water absorbtion at 20°C [%m/m]
Solubility in water at 20°C [%m/m]
Viscosity at 20°C [mm2/s] 7 - 8
Electrical conductivity at 25°C [S/m] 2*105
Specific heat at 50°C [J/g*K] 2.13
Thermal conductivity at 20°C [W/m*K] 0.1693
Flash point (DIN 51758) [°C] 137
Ignition point (DIN 51794) [°C] 210

Selexol process, acid gas removal. Absorption of H2S, mercaptans, CO2, CS2 and COS (carbon oxysulfide), Removal of CO2, H2S and trace compounds from raw biogas.

Selexol™ Process

A very important industrial application for Genosorb™ 1753 is the removal of acid gases from natural gas and synthesis gas. This is the so-called Selexol process. Polyglycol dimethyl ethers (Polyglycol DME, DEPG) are selective solvents for hydrogen disulfide, mercaptans, COS and carbon dioxide. Hydrocarbons and inert gases like hydrogen and carbon monoxide are not absorbed.

In many industrial applications this process has proven successful for the sweetening of natural gas, desulphurization and CO2 removal from synthesis gas (e.g. IGCC processes, H2 production for NH3-plants, Synthetic Natural Gas production) or bulk CO2 removal.

Several commercial gas processing units with gas streams from 250 Nm3/h to 600 000 Nm3/h are using Genosorb™ 1753 as scrubbing liquid.

The physical absorption based on glycol diethers is more economical than chemical absorptions based on organic amines, especially if deep sulfur removal is required and if the gas has a high initial pressure. A very similar process is used to remove CO2 and / or H2S from biogas. Natural gas meeting pipeline specifications is obtained.

Typical commercial Genosorb™ installations for biogas treatment comprise gas streams of around 250-2 000 Nm3/h. In the same manner landfill gas can be upgraded with Genosorb™ 1753.


Genosorb™ 1753 - used in the Selexol process - effectively removes hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2) as well as other trace compounds from biogas to obtain natural gas (methane) that meets pipeline specifications.

The biogas resulting from fermentation of organic material contains considerable amounts of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide which have to be removed before the gas can be passed to the public gas grid.

Typical commercial installations for biogas treatment comprise gas streams of 250-2 000 Nm3/h that are treated with Genosorb™ 1753.

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Genosorb™ 1753

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