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Absorption fluid

Genosorb™ 1900

Polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers are well-established absorption fluids for scrubbing waste air and waste gas streams containing a variety of components, mostly solvents and acid gases.

Being mixtures of homologues, polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers have average molecular masses. The higher molecular weight polyethylene glycol dialkyl ethers are thermally and chemically stable substances with low viscosities and low vapor pressures. They are excellent absorbents for AGR processes, mercaptane absorption and VOC abatement. In practice a large number of acid gas and waste gas purification plants are operated with Genosorb™. Gas streams ranging from 0.5 to > 500 000 Nm3/h are treated continuously.
Product details
Product Function
  • Solvent
  • Gas absorption fluids
  • Gas Absorbtion Fluids
Technical Data
Molar mass [g/mol] 230
Appearance   darl
Boiling range at 1013mbar [°C] 250 - 330
Vapour pressure at 20°C [mbar] <0.005
Density at 20°C [g/cm3] 1.01
Setting point [°C] -30
Water absorbtion at 20°C [%m/m]
Solubility in water at 20°C [%m/m]
Viscosity at 20°C [mm2/s] 4 - 5
Electrical conductivity at 25°C [S/m] -
Specific heat at 50°C [J/g*K] 2.26
Thermal conductivity at 20°C [W/m*K] 0.1633
Flash point (DIN 51758) [°C] 141
Ignition point (DIN 51794) [°C] 195
Waste gas scrubbing, suitable for removal of e.g. SO2, H2S, CS2, COS.
Solinox™ Process

Another important application for glycol diether based absorption liquids is the Solinox™ process. The Solinox™ process was developed by Linde AG with Genosorb™ 1900 as absorption liquid. 

In this process, Genosorb™ 1900 absorbs large amounts of SO2 from flue gases. The product contains a proprietary stabilizer that protects Genosorb™ against harmful effects of SO2 and SO3. 

The sulfur dioxide resulting from the Solinox™ process has a very high purity and can be converted to sulfuric acid or sold as food grade quality.

Several commercial units are operating globally. The following table shows data of a Solinox™ plant based in Europe: 

  • Air flow: 225 000 m3/h
  • SO2/SO3 inlet concentration: 20 000 mg/m3
  • SO2 in cleaned gas: max. 200 mg/m3
  • Sulfuric acid production: approx. 40 t/day
  • Sulfur dioxide emissions are reduced by 99.9%

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Genosorb™ 1900

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