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Special adjuvant

Genamin 267

Genamin 267 is the standard ready-to-use adjuvant for Glyphosate 360 g/l a.e. IPA formulations with an excellent cost-performance profile. No addition of solublizer is necessary.
  • Widely used in numerous registered formulations
  • Reliable performance
  • Constant formulation properties
  • Easy to handle and formulate
  • No climatical limitation for application
  • Globally applicable
Product details
Chemical Name
  • amine ethoxylate containing a solubilizer
Product Function
  • Adjuvant
Chemical Type
  • Special adjuvants
  • Crop protection
  • Soluble liquids
EPA exempted frpm tolerance under 40 CFR §
  • 910
  • 930
Technical Data
Appearance Liquid
Active Substance (ca.) 100%
Chemical Description Amine ethoxylate containing a solubilizer

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Genamin 267

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