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Three-way catalyst for the removal of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the off-gases of stationary engines

EnviCat™ TWC

At Clariant, we have been developing and manufacturing catalysts to clean exhaust gases from combustion processes since the early 1980s. They are used for engines running on various fuels, such as natural gas, diesel, bio-diesel, LPG, landfill gas, synthetics, dimethyl ether, alcohols, or methane.

EnviCat TWC is a three-way catalyst (TWC) for engine emission control. It removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the off-gases of stationary engines and gas turbines. 

The catalyst oxidizes carbon monoxide (CO) and other hydrocarbons (HCs). At the same time, it reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) into CO2, water and nitrogen. It can be used in rich-burn applications with air-fuel-ratio control (lambda control). 

  • High temperature stability
  • Available in a wide variety of forms and cell types
  • Supplied with housings for easy on-site installation
  • Long operating life
Product composition
Platinum-group metal coating on metal or ceramic
SizeMetal substrates up to 1200 mm diameter
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