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Protecting our planet

Zero waste zero pollution

Clariant depends on the environment and its resources for its continued success. Our operations, processes and products are designed to minimize our environmental impact and safeguard the planet.

This commitment to environmental sustainability is an ethical obligation for Clariant and reflected in our responsible approach to managing vital resources such as water, and our commitment to run our operations with zero pollution and minimal waste.

We thoroughly consider every aspect of our water use and emissions profile to keep our environmental footprint as low as possible. And we set clear and ambitious targets to measure our success on the basis of clearly defined environmental objectives.

Protecting water
Taking care of one of the planet’s most precious resources.
Managing air emissions
We manage our operations to limit harmful emissions like Nitrogen Oxide.
Preventing waste
We make every effort to avoid waste.
Progress so far
Our latest environmental performance data.

How we are fighting waste and pollution

  • InspireWater:
    While 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered in water, less than 1 percent is freshwater available for use. With growing pressures on this finite natural resource, there’s a critical need for more innovative water management solutions. In Tarragona, Spain, a region that’s faced a critical water shortage, Clariant is part of an innovative project to test out sustainable wastewater solutions that can eventually be applied to sectors across the globe.
  • September 23, 2019
    Clariant inaugurates a new Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bonthapally, India
    Clariant, a focused and innovative specialty chemical company, today inaugurated a new state-of-the-art Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) at the Industrial & Consumer Specialties (ICS) site in Bonthapally, India.
  • Fighting Global Food Loss
    Learn how desiccants help reduce food waste by preventing food spoilage in storage or during transport.
  • Volatile Organic Compound Adsorbents for Packaging and Cargo Shipments
    Volatile organic compound adsorbent for removing VOC off gassing such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzene, toluene, xylene from cargo containers and inside packaging.

Our environmental commitments

  • Climate change
    The science is clear, global temperature rise is a reality. According to reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), we have just a short amount of time before climate change becomes irreversible and changes our world forever. At Clariant, we take our responsibility for the planet seriously. We rely on the environment’s resources and are steadfast in our commitment to sustainable growth.
  • 25 years of supporting change - Clariant untiring pursuit of environmental excellence
    Like the cells in our body, chemical plants need energy and resources to make the countless useful products they provide – just in much larger amounts. Clariant has always worked to keep these amounts as low as possible, and is constantly finding new ways to downsize its environmental footprint.
  • Integrated Report 2023
    In our Integrated Report, we provide information on our progress in the last financial year and on our goals for the future.

Page summary

Summarization in progress