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Clariant Adsorbents


Devido à sua elevada área de superfície e às fortes propriedades de ligação, a bentonita é extremamente versátil e contribui positivamente para uma grande variedade de produtos e processos, em vários setores, desde a de alimentos até a de fundições.

Como um dos principais fornecedores de produtos especiais à base de bentonita, estamos plenamente integrados a toda a cadeia de valores: desde a exploração, à mineração, o processamento e o refinamento até soluções específicas para cada setor e cada cliente.

Nossa rede global de minas, fornecimento seguro, logística eficiente e incomparável serviço de aplicações está pronta para atender as necessidades do cliente em 28 locais de produção, em todo mundo, e que remontam a 100 anos de experiência.

  • Purificação de óleo
    Em todo o mundo, TONSIL® conquistou sua excelente reputação por oferecer uma ampla linha de argilas clarificantes naturais e ativadas.
  • Aditivos para fundições
    Os aditivos para areia de moldagem GEKO™ garantem peças fundidas de precisão e qualidade superior e maior produtividade para as fundições.
  • Cargo & Device Protection
    Silica gel Desiccants, Cargo Desiccants CONTAINER DRI® II, Bentonite Desiccants DESI PAK®, and Oxygen Absorbers Oxy-Guard™ protection against moisture and oxidation.
  • Engenharia civil
    Os aditivos naturais para perfuração BENTONIL® e MONTIGEL® permitem que os engenheiros civis ponham em prática os mais ousados projetos de fundações e túneis.
  • Feed Additives
    Clariant's TOXISORB™ product line is a range of specially developed feed additives that help bind fungal mycotoxins and help prevent them from being resorbed into animals bodies, where they may produce damaging effects. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 25% of feed worldwide is contaminated with different mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are poisonous compounds which are formed by various mold fungi belonging to the species of Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. These globally found fungi grow on grain and crops and can occur either before/after harvest, during storage, on/in the food itself often under warm, damp and humid conditions. Clariant TOXISORB™ product line is a range of specially developed feed additives that help bind fungal mycotoxins and help prevent them from being resorbed into animals bodies, where they may produce damaging effects.
  • Additives for paper industry
    Clariant's paper additives OPAZIL®, OPAZIL® FFR and PITCHBENT® offer an innovative and cost-reducing solutions for reliable and productive papermaking: from pulper to reel.
  • Waste Water Treatment
    Das hocheffiziente Fällungsmittel SÜDFLOCK® K2 ermöglicht kommunalen und industriellen Kläranlagen auch die strengsten Umweltauflagen zu erfüllen.
  • Especialidades de argila
    Soluções especiais à base de bentonita aumentam a qualidade e a produtividade de vários tipos de setores, desde os de produtos farmacêuticos e bebidas aos de cerâmica.
  • Aditivos para detergentes
    Os aditivos LAUNDROSIL®, LAUNDROCLIN® e LAUNDROBRIGHT® melhoram consideravelmente a flexibilidade das formulações e de produção para o setor de detergentes, cada vez mais exigente.
  • Estabilizadores de PVC
    As hidrotalcitas SORBACID® possibilitam a obtenção de formulações de estabilizadores de PVC sustentáveis e ecologicamente corretas, isento de metais pesados.
  • BTX Catalysts
    Olefin Removal in Aromatic Complexes with TONSIL ® APT and TONSIL ® CO catalysts
  • Kerosene and Jet Fuel Purification
    TONSIL ® Jet Supreme adsorbents have been establishing an outstanding status around the world.

Discover the entire production process

Sustainable mining and
production in China


Sustainable mining and
production in Europe



Chinaplas 2024
Accompanying the growth of China's plastics and rubber industries for over 40 years, CHINAPLAS has become a distinguished meeting and business platform for these industries and has also largely contributed to their prosperous development. At present, CHINAPLAS is the world's leading plastics and rubber trade fair, and also widely recognized by the industry as one of the most influential exhibitions in the world. Its significance is surpassed only by K Fair in Germany, the world's premier plastics and rubber trade fair.
Accompanying the growth of China's plastics and rubber industries for over 40 years, CHINAPLAS has become a distinguished meeting and business platform for these industries and has also largely contributed to their prosperous development. At present, CHINAPLAS is the world's leading plastics and rubber trade fair, and also widely recognized by the industry as one of the most influential exhibitions in the world. Its significance is surpassed only by K Fair in Germany, the world's premier plastics and rubber trade fair.  mais


Building Functional Materials Headquarter Munich in 3D

Sede da Clariant Adsorbents

Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH/Clariant SE
Business Unit Adsorbents & Additives
Arabellastraße 4a
81925 München

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