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Alimentado pela natureza.
Avançados com a ciência.

Active ingredients

A natureza nos inspira a desenvolver novos ingredientes ativos para liderar as tendências na indústria de cosméticos. Com base em tecnologias científicas avançadas, oferecemos soluções sustentáveis e inovadoras. A eficácia de nossos ingredientes ativos e conceitos de formulações cosméticas baseados em tendências já foram reconhecidos pelo setor, que lhes concedeu vários  prêmios importantes.

Descubra como a natureza nos inspira e a ciência por trás de nossos produtos.

Saiba mais sobre nossa ampla oferta ou descubra nosso portfólio de Natural Origins para cuidados eficientes com a pele e os cabelos.

Descubra as soluções que se alinham às suas necessidades:

Extratos vegetais

Explore os ricos biomas da Ásia e encontre o extrato vegetal que sua formulação precisa para estar completa. Baseada no conhecimento tradicional e no melhor da nossa expertise em ingredientes, esta linha é um convite para você se beneficiar dos poderes das plantas.

Óleos e manteigas

Descubra o vasto conhecimento da Clariant Actives and Natural Origins sobre o universo de óleos naturais. Dos óleos naturais puros, obtidos de maneira ética e sustentável na floresta amazônica, às frações mais funcionais, produzidas nas nossas plantas, trazemos para o mercado o melhor da nossa experiência para servir às suas necessidades (mais diversas) de formulação.

Argilas e esfoliantes


Conheça nossa ampla variedade de argilas minerais e esfoliantes naturais livres de plástico. Fruto do processo milenar de transformação das rochas, as argilas e os minerais encontrados na biodiversidade brasileira oferecem diversos benefícios para os cuidados da pele e cabelos. Além disso, nossos esfoliantes upcycled são obtidos de forma sustentável, proporcionando a ação esfoliante que sua formulação precisa com um toque de naturalidade.

Highlights: our Sc[ai]turalist formulation concepts

Every year, we create a new formulation concept based on beauty trends to highlight our latest launched active ingredients. These concepts have already all been awarded prizes for their creativity and originality. (Re)discover them and the associated actives embedded to find inspiration.

Ingredientes ativos para novas tendências de cosméticos

  • Explorer Amazon Rainforest
    "Be the explorer" is a new concept created by Clariant to introduce the origin and environment from which its natural ingredients are sourced. The reader is sent to a journey to secret plants and natural treasures that can be an inspiration source for new personal care formulations. The first part of this concept is dedicated to the Amazon biome and Belém do Pará region.
  • The Joyologist
    To provide well-being to the skin and the mind, Clariant developed "The Joyologist" concept, with two formulations fueled with active ingredients that boosts the release of well-being molecules, packed in a relaxation kit.
  • Beauty Wizard
    Discover Clariant's new formulations inspired by ancient wisdom and tradition. Fueled with innovative natural active ingredients that supports the skin and hair against all types of stress.

Active Ingredients for new cosmetic trends

We regularly analyze the beauty trends in the market to propose the active ingredients that would best fit with these trends. Dive into them to find the right active for your formulations based on consumers' expectations and needs.

Ingredientes ativos para novas tendências de cosméticos

  • Upcycled ingredients
    Upcycling involves adding value to something that would otherwise have been thrown away, and contributes to the Zero Waste trend. In a desire to reduce its environmental impact, Clariant offers several active ingredients sourced from upcycling process.
  • Superfood-origin
    Inspired by plants with superfood origin, we created active ingredients with powerful actions to reinforce skin and improve its condition.
  • Solid cosmetics
    Solid cosmetics respond to four recent beauty movements: clean beauty, waterless beauty, nomadism and zero-waste. Discover our active ingredients compatible with solid cosmetics formulations, for hair care, skin care, and color cosmetics.
  • Well-aging
    Instead of fighting against aging by using products with traditional anti-aging claims, customers are now instead embracing their years. Discover active ingredients that can support wellness through well-aging solutions.
  • Minimalist beauty
    Reducing the number of cosmetic products used to save money, time, and the planet is a new beauty trend. Discover our active ingredients for 3 skin care products with a maximal efficacy.
  • Hormonal aging
    At menopause, hormonal changes strongly impact the quality of skin and hair and accelerate aging. Discover how our active ingredients can support skin and hair to improve women's well-being in this sensitive period.
  • Space Beauty
    Space research lead to new discoveries on the biology of the skin, that can be inspiring for the development of new formulations based on active ingredients that can protect the skin from harsh environments.

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