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A Circular Economy for Plastics

Exploring new approaches to plastics recycling and resource efficiency

Increasing awareness of limited natural resources has generated support for the circular economy as a necessary alternative to the current linear economic model. Clariant has therefore launched a global circular plastics economy initiative, highlighting circularity as one of the key sustainability topics at Clariant. We at Clariant Additives are striving to support our customers in this field and we want to contribute to a circular plastics economy with our solutions.

Our contribution

1. Improving our Additives

Supporting the industry with circular compatible solutions and with designing products viable for separation, recovery.

2. Improving Recyclability

Creating more efficient cycles across the value chains by helping to improve yield, limit or avoid degradation, discoloration and odor.

3. Improving consumption

Increasing responsible consumption with the use of renewables to help reduce CO2 emissions caused by fossil resources.

Our success so far confirms that we are on the right track

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Our stories

Terra Line
Renewable feedstock alternatives to fossil-based solutions
Based on non-food-competing renewable feedstock, Clariant’s certified sustainable biomass-based flame retardants, waxes and adhesives help to reduce fossil resource intensity and enable more sustainable material choices.
Bio-based additives
Expanding the potential and reach of biopolymers
Advancing plastics recycling to reach global goals
One of the most important Sustainable Development Goals the international community pursues concerns better handling of resources and waste. New methods of plastics recycling, often called advanced recycling, can substantially contribute – and so can Clariant by improving their chemistry.
25th Anniversary
The ignition for Clariant’s sustainability passion
It’s a bold claim indeed but one for which our halogen-free flame retardant for plastics, Exolit® OP, proudly takes credit.
What cookies, pasta and plastics (now) have in common
When making cookies or homemade pasta, it’s natural to reuse scraps of leftover dough by adding them to fresh dough. Similar scraps are generated during the production of plastic films. Putting this »dough« to the same good circular use is difficult, however – unless it’s »sprinkled« with one of our special EcoCircle additives.

Together towards a circular economy

Founding Member
Alliance to End Plastics Waste
Ending plastic waste is ambitious. But it is through collaboration and collective action that this complex problem can be solved.
Joined in 2021
EU Circular Plastics Alliance
The alliance aims to enhance plastics recycling in line with the objectives of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and the Green Deal program.
Polyolefin Circular Economy Platform
PCEP is committed to transforming from a linear to a circular economy based on three principles: designing out waste; keeping products and materials in use; and recycling into high-quality new raw materials.
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
Member companies and WBCSD are accelerating the development of business solutions for challenges with energy, food systems, nature, living spaces, mobility, circular economy, and social impacts.

Clariant's initiatives

Discover EcoCircle – our circular plastics economy initiative
Portfolio Value Program
Sustainability designators in product names help customers to make decisions

Strong partners to lead the change

  • September 19, 2019
    Clariant Additive ermöglichen das Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen unter Beibehaltung wertvoller Eigenschaften
    Unter dem Motto „Symphony of Collaboration“ wird Clariant auf der K 2019 auftreten und kündigt an, mit Partnern entlang der gesamten Kunststoff Wertschöpfungskette richtungsweisende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um das Problem der Kunststoffabfälle durch neue Lösungen für diverse Marktsegmente der Branche aufzugreifen, von Verpackungen – auf die der größte Anteil des Kunststoffverbrauchs entfällt – über textile Bodenbeläge bis hin zur Verbraucherelektronik. Ergänzend zu den am 21. August bekanntgegebenen „fit for reuse“ Lösungen, mit denen Additive von Clariant recycelbar werden, geht das Unternehmen jetzt noch einen Schritt weiter und zeigt, wie seine Additive auch das Recyceln von Kunststoffabfällen aus Produktions- und Verbraucherquellen erleichtern können, ohne die Leistungseigenschaften des Materials zu beeinträchtigen.
  • August 21, 2019
    Clariant macht seine Additive fit zur Wiederverwertung, mit halogenfreiem Flammschutzmittel für re- und up-cycelbare PA6 & PA66
    Wie Ende Juni bekanntgegeben, wird Clariant auf der K 2019 unter dem Motto „Symphony of Collaboration“ auftreten und kündigt an, sich den Herausforderungen des Kunststoffabfalls an vorderster Front anzunehmen. Mit neuen Lösungen und verschiedenen Partnern soll eine nachhaltigere Kunststoffindustrie geschaffen werden. Clariant unterstützt die Branche mit umweltverträg­licheren Lösungen und bei der Entwicklung von Materialien und Produkten, die gezielt dafür ausgelegt sind, ihre Trennung, Rückgewinnung und Wiederverwertung zu erleichtern. Einer der Ansätze, diese Herausforderung anzugehen, besteht darin, die Additive zu verbessern und sie für die Wiederverwertung fit zu machen, ohne die Materialleistung zu beeinträchtigen.
  • November 06, 2018
    Clariant und Neste wollen gemeinsam nachhaltige Lösungen für die Industrie entwickeln 
    Clariant, ein weltweit führendes Spezialchemieunternehmen, hat eine neue Vereinbarung zur Kooperation mit Neste unterzeichnet, dem weltweit führenden Anbieter von nachhaltigem erneuerbarem Dieselkraftstoff und Experten für die Bereitstellung von innovativen erneuerbaren chemischen Lösungen. Durch die Verwendung erneuerbarer Kohlenwasserstoffe von Neste in der Produktentwicklung erhöht Clariant die Zahl der Produkte in ihrem Portfolio, die aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen gewonnen werden. Infolgedessen werden nachhaltige Lösungen für eine Vielzahl von Branchen, wie die Klebstoff-, Kunststoff- und die Beschichtungsbranche, leichter zugänglich gemacht.
  • Oktober 18, 2019
    Clariant führt auf der K 2019 neue biobasierte Additive ein, um den Ressourcenverbrauch in Kunststoffkreisläufen zu reduzieren
    Clariant stellt neue Hochleistungsadditive vor, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, den Verbrauch fossiler Rohstoffe zu reduzieren. Sie fördern die Entwicklung von Wertschöpfungszyklen, die zukunftsfähige und erneuerbare Rohstoffe nutzen und so dem Klimawandel entgegenwirken.

Clariant Sustainability Designators – highlighting and promoting sustainability with trade name suffixes

  • Renewable Feedstock​
    Products with significant (at least 50% RCI) content based on renewable resources with a mass-balance certification or real renewable content
  • Circular Economy
    Products with the primary purpose to support our customers and/or the value chain in reduce, re-use or recycle plastic products, showcasing a beneficial performance
  • Renewable Ingredients
    Products from natural origin with real renewable content at least 98% RCI

Our business lines

  • Performance Additives
    Additive solutions for the plastics and coatings industry. We started with single components for a multitude of challenges like thermal stabilization, sun and oxidation protection as well as flame retardancy and process stabilization, which still form the base of our portfolio. Listening closely to our customers and analyzing market needs, we used our long-term expertise and profound technical knowledge to develop special additive combinations which are designed and optimized for the needs of particular segments and applications. As simply by adding them you profit from a multitude of benefits, we call them »AddWorks« – because that is exactly what they do. As reliable, tested, and ready-to-use solutions, our AddWorks product family lowers total cost of ownership, reduces process complexity and allows you to fully focus your workforce and assets on your business. Discover the multitude of opportunities they offer for your line of work and make a tangible difference in your market!
  • Flame Retardants
    Flame retardants help to save lives by slowing down or stopping the spread of fire or reducing its intensity. They are used in anything from phones and curtains to car seats and buildings. Clariant’s halogen-free flame retardants are produced to modern standards in Germany, Switzerland and China. Their brand name Exolit® has become a byword for sustainable fire safety.
  • Advanced Surface Solutions
    Clariant is a leading global player in the development, production and distribution of wax additives and performance polymers.

Learn more about sustainability at Clariant

Whether the world must become sustainable is a question we’ve long stopped asking ourselves. We are much too busy working on how this can be done. We have set out with passionate people, to create leading-edge operations and innovative solutions that mean progress for everyone today while sustaining the world for our children tomorrow.
Bio Economy
Our commitment...
to a sustainable and circular bio-economy reflects our goals to develop innovative, sustainable, and bio-based chemicals, as well as achieve our ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets.

Contact us!


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