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  • Adsorbents
    Eine Lösung für 1000 und mehr Anforderungen: Bentonit. Clariant ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Spezialprodukten und -lösungen, die auf Bentonit und synthetischen Rohstoffen basieren. Mit unseren passgenauen Produkten können Produkte und Prozesse in vielen Branchen optimiert werden. Wir bieten Ihnen einen 360 °-Service entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette – von der Gewinnung der Rohstoffe über deren Verarbeitung bis zur Entwicklung passgenauer Lösungen, die optimal auf die Anforderungen unserer Kunden abgestimmt sind.
  • Adhesives and sealants
    Clariant offers a toolbox of m-PO polymers, light & heat stabilizers, and non-halogen flame retardants for adhesives and sealants that bond performance and sustainability.
  • Agriculture and animal feed
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the agriculture industry. Learn more about our broad portfolio of additives, adjuvants & agrochemicals.
  • Automotive and transportation
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the automotive industry including brake fluids, flame retardants and light stabilizers.
  • Aviation
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the aviation industry including deicers, flame retardants and clay treatment products.
  • Building and construction
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the construction industry including superplasticizers, concrete additives, and drilling additives.
  • Katalysatoren
    Die Geschäftseinheit Catalysts ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Katalysatoren mit langjähriger Innovationstradition und umfangreichem Fachwissen, das auf der Expertise des Vorgängerunternehmens Süd-Chemie gründet.
  • Chemical intermediates
    Clariant offers reliable chemical intermediates and special solvents along with expert services to meet customer-specific needs.
  • Coatings, paints and inks
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the paints & coatings industry including paint additives, waxes, and pigments for coatings.
  • Electronics
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for electronics including additives & colorants for cables/displays and flame retardants
  • Energy
    With our knowledge and expertise in chemistry for oilfields, refineries, wind and solar energy, we partner with customers and share their commitment to a healthier, more natural and more affordable future for energy and resources.
  • Food, beverage and edible oil
    Clariant is a global provider of solutions for the F&B industry including food ingredients, oil & beverage purification specialties, and packaging.
  • General industrial
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for industrial manufacturing processes including heat transfer fluids and lubricant additives.
  • Health Care
    Enhance healthcare through innovative solutions that protect and extend the life of pharmaceuticals and personal care products while meeting diverse industry needs
  • Home and household care
    Clariant is a global provider of specialty chemicals for the home care industry including colorants, surfactants, defoamers, biocides, and textile polymers.
  • Industrial Lubricants
    Das Segment Industrie-Schmiermittel bietet ein breites Produktportfolio mit synthetischen Basisflüssigkeiten, schaumarmen Emulgatoren, Komponenten und Schmierstoff-Additiven für verschiedene Anwendungen in den Bereichen Schmierung und Metallverarbeitung. Entdecken Sie unsere Lösungen.
  • Mining Solutions
    Clariant Mining Solutions ist der einzige Lieferant im Bergbausektor, der passgenaue chemische Lösungen für Anwendungen entlang der Bergbauwertschöpfungskette anbietet, inklusive führender Technologien für die Flotations-Chemie und Sprengstoffemulgatoren. Bei Clariant Mining Solutions konzentrieren wir uns auf die Anwendung spezifischer Erze wie Kupfer und andere Sulfiderze, Eisenerz, Phosphat, KCl, Kalzit, Quarzsand und viele weitere industrielle Mineralien sowie Emulgatoren für Sprengstoffe, mit denen wir Bergbaukunden in aller Welt unterstützen.
  • Oil and gas
    Clariant is a global leader in the development, application, and supply of specialty chemicals and services to the oil & gas industry.
  • Packaging and paper
    We develop efficient solutions to support customers that operate in the packaging industry. Customers around the world rely on Clariant’s expertise to help enhance the market appeal and quality of packaging.
  • Personal care ingredients
    Innovative personal care ingredients and premium cosmetic formulations.
  • Plastics and polymers
    Clariant is a recognized global provider of sustainable solutions for the plastics industry including additives, colorants, and stabilizers.
  • Refinery and petrochemicals
    Clariant is committed to the refinery and petrochemicals industry for decades and has the expertise to support customers thanks to its local resources.
  • Textiles and fibers
    As a global provider of solutions for the textile industry, Clariant offers a historical expertise to improve the quality of fibers and garments.
  • Waste management
    Clariant is highly committed to sustainable technologies to help make the planet a cleaner place. Learn more about our waste management solutions.


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