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Additive solutions for architectural coatings in building and construction -
excellent appearance and long-term weather protection

Just like our skin, the surfaces of buildings or steel structures like bridges or oil platforms can suffer from too much sunlight. UV rays have the power to degrade both the components of a coating and the surface it is supposed to protect. Clariant’s state-of-the-art coating solutions help to preserve and protect that well-being, providing e.g. dirt pickup resistance to prolong the proper looks of architectural coatings. Light stabilizer solutions contribute to making both the coatings and the substrates they protect more resistant to the highly exposed conditions they usually have to endure, like façade coatings based on styrene acrylic mixtures.


  • Hostavin™ 3070 DISP
    Hostavin 3070 DISP is a 52% aqueous dispersion of an oligomeric hindered amine light stabilizer (HALS), designed for UV stabilization of paints and clearcoats. This sustainable HALS is characterized by its broad compatibility, high resistance to migration and low extraction, making it particularly suitable for plastic coatings and architectural facade coatings.
  • Hostavin™ 3315 DISP
    Hostavin 3315 DISP is a 52% aqueous dispersion of a benzotriazole UV absorber, designed for UV stabilization of paints and clearcoats. This sustainable UV absorber is characterized by its broad compatibility, high resistance to migration and low extraction, making it particularly suitable for wood and plastics coatings.

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