A story of change and reduction
In this story, we want to give you an overview of the major changes brought about by the corporate design update 2022. The essential elements have been retained or only slightly changed. However, a few characteristic features of the brand have also been removed. Following the principle of reduce to the max, the brand has been freed from complexity and can now be applied more freely and easily.
UPDATE 2022Design changes
The most crucial change is that the logo itself is no longer the stage for content, but it sets the stage for all kinds of media. Furthermore, these are the top ten changes to take the brand into the future:
1. Logo
The logo is now flat and only the black and white version can be used.2. C-Badge
The C-Badge as a layout stage transforms into an outline design element. It can be applied very freely.3. Typography
Mercury has been removed and Gotham is now the only primary brand font.4. Colors
The color range has been refreshed and variety enabled through extended secondary colors.5. Claim
The claim is the most important asset to communicate our purpose in internal & external communication in a compact and memorable way.6. Photography
A guide has been developed for the selection of photos to ensure the clarity look.
7. Illustration
The illustration style is based on the outline design of the C-Badge and an accent color is added.8. Motion
Movies get a new intro as well as a new outro with an outline animation.9. Media Hub
All designs and produced materials are intelligently stored here and can be found quickly.10. Brandic
The Microsoft Brandic Add-on enables you to create powerful Clariant documents on brand.11. Brand portal
Clariant's Brand Portal has been restructured and provides everything you need for your day-to-day brand work.
MORE STORIESDiscover our brand
Overview brand stories
Stay informed and discover more stories about best practices and the impact on our brand.
The C-Badge forms the layout grid
Learn how the C-Badge defines all layout variants.
What does clarity mean today?
Learn about our design principles that are leading the idea of clarity into the future.