Arab Fertilizers Association's Technical Symposium (Hybrid Event)
We are proud to support the upcoming Arabian Fertilizer Association’s (AFA) Technical Symposium as an Emerald Sponsor.
The symposium, a landmark event for the fertilizer industry of the region, will take place in a hybrid format with companies’ participants meeting physically in Alexandria from 3-4 February 2021, and also via video conference with other representatives from abroad.
Technical papers and panel discussions will focus on new technology innovations, energy efficiency and best practices for operation and health and safety plus many more.
We are especially happy to present two insightful papers:
ReforSafE™ and ActiSafE™ - Cutting edge services to optimize your Ammonia plant performance, reliability and safety
Dr. Stefan Gebert, Clariant
04 February 2021 | 10:30 GMT+2
AmoMax-Casale: An optimized synthesis catalyst for ammonia converters
Mr. Marco Mazzamuto Carlucci, Casale
04 February 2021 | 10:00 GMT+2
For more information on the event and to find out how to secure your ticket, visit the organizer’s event webpage.
Arab Fertilizers Association's Technical Symposium (Hybrid Event)
Alexandria, Egypt & online