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Nov 15-18, 2021 | Madrid, Spain

ERTC 2021

Meet our Catalysts Experts at the ERTC 2021 in Madrid

ERTC is Europe’s largest and most senior meeting place for the world’s downstream leaders, bringing together refineries and technology providers to address the short, medium and long term issues affecting the industry. Hot topics for 2021 include the recovery from a volatile 2020 and shaping refining’s role in Europe’s long-term sustainable, decarbonised energy system. 

The conference takes place in Madrid, Spain, from 15 to 18 November 2021.

Our colleagues Arne Dinse and Stephan Eckle will attend this conference and look forward to meeting you for vivid discussions.  

For a detailed agenda and conference tickets, please visit the organizers website.

We look forward to meeting you in Madrid!

Nov 15-18, 2021 | Madrid, Spain

ERTC 2021


Meliá Castilla
Calle del Poeta Joan Maragall 43

Madrid, Spain

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