Sep 12-14, 2022
| Orlando, FL, United States
CAD Retec
The 60th Annual Society of Plastics Engineers Color and Appearance Division RETEC® will be held in Orlando, Florida. Come join us to Make a SPLASH with Color and discuss topics related to plastics coloration. Activities include:
- Preconference Color Seminar (separate registration required)
- Two full days of technical sessions
- 60+ exhibitors showcasing products and services
- Opening reception, Monday evening
- Network Reception, Tuesday evening
Listen to our experts!
Tuesday, Sept. 13 @ 4 PM
Effects of MAH-grafted Polymeric Waxes on Dispersions of Special Effects Pigments (e.g. Pearlescents) and Fillers in Highly Loaded Masterbatches and Compounds, and the Augmentation of Physical Properties of Articles made from These Waxes
Speaker: Frank Neuber, Regional Technical Business Development Manager
Sep 12-14, 2022
| Orlando, FL, United States
CAD Retec
Renaissance Hotel Sea World
Orlando, FL, United States