Technip Energies Badger Process Technology Conference
Meet our Catalysts experts at the Technip Energies Badger Process Technology Conference
We are pleased to announce that we will be present at the next Badger Technology Conference taking place from 18-21 September 2022 in Barcelona. The primary focus of the conference is on technology and business aspects of the Styrenics and Phenolics industries in which Badger offers technologies. However, this year the program is also expanded to many other petrochemical industries in which the Technip Energies offers technologies. To find out more visit the organizer's webpage.
Our Catalysts team will be present with a dedicated booth (#11) as well as support the program with a presentation.
Tuesday, September 20th 2022 | 11.50am
"Breaking new ground in catalysis for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation"
Mike Balakos, Technology Advisor Styrene, Clariant Catalysts
For over 70 years, Clariant has been pushing the boundaries of catalyst chemistry for ethylbenzene dehydrogenation. Recent catalyst innovations, such as Clariant’s StyroMax® UL3 and rib-shaped catalysts, are now proven to extend those boundaries even further by enabling styrene plants to run with higher energy efficiency, higher production rates, and higher selectivity. In this presentation, we will discuss the advantages of these catalysts, the benefits customers are experiencing, and case studies demonstrating lower steam consumption and CO2 emissions. We will also introduce the Clariant Service Portal, an online tool for data transfer, visualization, and communication that enhances the quality of service to our customers.