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May 01-02, 2024 | New York, NY, United States

NYSCC Suppliers' Day

As the beauty & personal care landscape continually shifts, the opportunities and challenges faced by our customers cannot be met with yesterday’s standards. Clariant brings next-level innovations that rise above the rest to explore ‘Beauty beyond convention’.


We are delighted to share our diverse portfolio of ingredients at Suppliers’ Day this year. Ranging from a revolutionary new retinol alternative, to a family of sensory-rich mild surfactants, to an array of modern preservation technologies; these novel solutions underscore our commitment to innovation. We invite you to view our exemplary formulations through the consumer's eyes, which show our powerful ingredients in action and reflect our vision for the future of the beauty industry. 


Go beyond convention with us at booth #501. At Clariant, we endeavor to help shape the future of beauty, collaborate with our valued customers, and unveil specialized solutions that meet the needs of today’s demanding market. 

Sustainability Panel

Be sure to add this exciting event to your show planners! Clariant’s Amol Kirtkar will join an esteemed panel that will cut through the noise and discuss insights on sustainability and authenticity in the beauty industry. 

  • Panel: Sustainable Development in the Cosmetic Sector 
  • Panel guest: Amol Kirtikar, Sr. Manager, Sustainability & Innovation (Clariant)
  • Moderator: Jennifer Novakovich (The Eco Well)
  • Location: Show Floor Main Stage | Hall D - 2100 aisle
  • Date/Time: Wednesday May 1st | 1:30PM - 2:30PM

May 01-02, 2024 | New York, NY, United States

NYSCC Suppliers' Day


Jacob Javits Convention Center

Booth # 501

655 W 34th St

New York, NY, United States

  • Pushing the bubble further in personal cleansing
    At the forefront of beauty innovation, prepare to be captivated by Clariant’s latest personal care star hitting the North American market: GlucoTain® GEM.
  • CycloRetin™
    CycloRetin is a new natural alternative to retinol. Titrated in heterophyllin B, a cyclic peptide extracted from Pseudostellaria heterophylla (the Prince ginseng), it optimizes the use of retinol naturally present in the skin, to reactivate fibroblast biological functions and thus boosting the expression of genes implied in collagen and elastin synthesis. CycloRetin also improves the organization of collagen and elastic fibers, to reinforce the skin structure. Thanks to this mode of action, it is not necessary to overload the skin with retinol, to avoid irritation reactions. In addition, CycloRetin reinforces the epidermis structure by activating genes implied in barrier function, for a wider effect than what can be achieved with retinol. As a result, skin sagging is reduced, and skin firmness and luminosity are increased. Being China compliant and water soluble, CycloRetin can easily be used by formulators to offer new well-aging solutions for customers all over the world. For this innovative mode of action and its efficacy, CycloRetin was awarded the silver prize at the BSB Innovation Awards in 2024. To learn more on the product, visit the dedicated webpage CycloRetin. And to discover our other active ingredients or our ingredients from natural origins, visit our webpage Natural Actives and Natural Origins.
  • Beauty At Play
    Personal Care formulations that combine function and fun! With rising consumer desire for product experimentation and unique textures, Beauty at Play is designed to bring a sense of playfulness to the everyday beauty routine.
  • Lucas Meyer Cosmetics
    Lucas Meyer Cosmetics is now part of Clariant. By combining our strengths, we offer you a wide range of innovative ingredients and natural solutions, leveraging our R&D and innovation capabilities to bring you to the forefront of the cosmetics and beauty industry.
  • Ingredients for cosmetics preservation
    Clariant preservation solutions boosting impact at all levels: protection efficacy, product longevity, safety & sustainability.
  • Glucotain GEM
    Glucotain GEM offers efficient cleansing and is especially suitable for waterless novel formats. Delightful sensory features with consistently rich foam that rinses easily.

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