36th German Zeolite Conference
Join our Clariant experts at the 36th German Zeolite Conference (DZT) from 26 - 28 February, 2025 at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
This marks the third time Erlangen hosts the event, following 2001 and 2011. The conference covers topics ranging from synthesis and characterization of porous materials to practical applications in catalysis, adsorption, and energy storage. A special doctoral workshop focusing on nanoporous materials characterization will be offered. The event particularly encourages young scientists to present their research to a specialist audience.
The conference will also serve as an opportunity to present the George-Kokotailo Award, sponsored by Clariant, which recognizes exceptional research work displayed as posters during the German Zeolite Conference programm.
To learn more about the solutions and topics addressed at the event, have a look at the conference agenda.
36th German Zeolite Conference
Lecture Halls H11 and H12
Erlangen, Germany