Clariant Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
- Clariant is listed in the DJSI Europe
- Outstanding performance in economic, environmental and social terms
- Sustainability as an integrated component of the corporate strategy
Muttenz, September 12, 2013 - Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, was included today in the European Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI Europe). In taking this step the analysts of RobecoSAM have confirmed that when it comes to sustainability, Clariant is among the leading companies in the chemical industry. In order to be listed in the DJSI, the company had to record an outstanding and sustainable performance in the economic, environmental and social dimension.
“A sustainable approach to running the business in economic, environmental, and social terms is an integral part of Clariant’s strategy,” explains CEO Hariolf Kottmann. “We want to create long-term added value and benefit for all our interest groups, which is why we have set ambitious sustainability goals. The fact that the results we have achieved are now being used as a benchmark for our industry makes us proud.”
Clariant has set itself ambitious environmental goals regarding quality and quantity to be reached by 2020. In terms of its sustainability strategy, the company does not merely meet legal requirements, but voluntarily undertakes to go above and beyond to comply with higher standards such as the Responsible Care Global Charter, Global Product Strategy, or the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.
“Over the past few years we have launched numerous projects and made many resources available to make sustainability an integral component of our business activities and corporate culture globally. Inclusion in the renowned Dow Jones Sustainability Index confirms our strategy,” says Joachim F. Krüger, Senior Vice President, Corporate Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs.