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Clariant to postpone Annual General Meeting planned for March 30, 2020

  • The Board of Directors has decided to postpone the 25th Annual General Meeting planned for March 30, 2020
  • Decision follows the declaration by the Swiss Federal Council of an "extraordinary situation" which does not allow Annual General Meetings under the normal conditions
  • New date for the 25th Annual General Meeting will be announced in due course

Muttenz, March 18, 2020 – Against the background of the worldwide spread of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), the Swiss Federal Council implemented the COVID-19 Ordinance 2 which sets new rules for Annual General Meetings, effective March 16, at midnight. As a consequence of this declaration by the Swiss Federal Council, no shareholders are admitted to attend the General Meeting in person. However, the company may order that participants may exercise their rights exclusively in writing or in electronic form or through an independent proxy appointed by the company.

After a thorough discussion and evaluation of the situation, the Board of Directors has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting. The Board has the strongest intention to hold an Annual General Meeting that allows shareholders to attend in person as soon as the situation allows it. At that point, the Board will inform shareholders and the public in the usual manner.

“We regret the postponement of the Annual General Meeting. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to thank all shareholders for their understanding during these extraordinary times”, said Hariolf Kottmann, Executive Chairman ad interim.

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