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Highly Active Pre-Reduced Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis

AmoMax™ 10RS

AmoMax 10RS is a highly active wustite-based ammonia synthesis catalyst, which is manufactured by reduction and subsequent stabilization of oxidic AmoMax 10. Pre-reduction not only shortens start-up time, but also decreases the formation of reduction water during activation. 

As with the oxidic form, AmoMax 10RS offers outstanding activity – much higher than magnetite-based ammonia synthesis catalysts. This significantly increases ammonia yields and lowers costs, making AmoMax 10RS the optimal choice for the fertilizer industry.

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Advantages of pre-reduced catalysts are shorter start-up time and a reduced amount of reduction water formed during activation.
AmoMax 10RS is non-pyrophoric at ambient temperatures and can be easily handled and loaded following our operating constructions.
Product compositionWustite 
SizeAvailable in all common granule sizes (i.e.,1.5 - 3 mm, 6 - 10 mm, 8 - 12 mm).
ShapeIrregular shaped granules with rounded ends
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