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2 21-23, 2022 | New Orleans, 米国

National Ethanol Conference

From emerging technologies and new uses to opportunities in global carbon reduction policies, market insights, and international and domestic marketplace developments, there is much to learn and experience at RFA’s 27th Annual National Ethanol Conference: Zeroing in on New Opportunities.  More networking and business meetings are conducted at this conference than any other ethanol industry event. It’s an event you cannot afford to miss and where business gets done!

Make sure to register for the conference to learn more about Clariant’s view of cellulosic biofuels and biochemicals produced from agricultural residues and how they play a role in reducing the carbon footprint with focus on downstream opportunities into bio-based chemicals and sustainable aviation fuel.


Christian Librera

Head of Clariant's Business Line Biofuels & Derivatives

2 21-23, 2022 | New Orleans, 米国

National Ethanol Conference


Hyatt Regency New Orleans

New Orleans, 米国

Biofuel with SUNLIQUID

  • Sunliquid®
    よく知られている代替エネルギーのジレンマ:作物を育てるのは食糧のため、それとも燃料のため? 気候変動と減りつつある化石燃料の埋蔵量に直面する中、環境に優しい代替エネルギーが求められています。 自動車業界は世界の原油生産量の約50%を消費しています。 既存のバイオ燃料は、耕作可能な土地の競争をめぐり、食糧か燃料かの選択が 論議を呼んでいます。

