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科莱恩是全球道琼斯可持续发展指数 (DJSI) 和欧洲 DJSI 的成员,并且是公认的化学领域最具可持续性的公司之一。DJSI 对公司的可持续发展绩效进行评估,对于投资者和各公司而言是重要的参考和基准。 

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科莱恩已入选富时社会责任指数,该指数旨在衡量公司在环境、社会和治理方面的表现。随着投资者对于企业社会责任不断加强重视,《金融时报》和伦敦证交所于 2001 年创立了富时社会责任指数,用来衡量公司的社会、环境和道德表现。


自 2007 以来,科莱恩一直按照碳排放披露项目 (CDP) 的框架报告其温室效应大气排放 (GHG),公布减排目标和计划,以进一步减少 GHG 的影响。CDP 组织会公布全球各大公司的 GHG。


科莱恩是欧洲最先进的 120 家公司之一,这也反映在泛欧交易所 Vigeo Europe 120 指数的名单中。通过该指数可排出在环境、社会和治理方面表现最突出的公司。


自 2015 年 3 月 23 日以来,科莱恩已被再次确认为 Ethibel 可持续发展指数 (ESI) Excellence Europe 的评选人。ESI Excellence 指数的构成基于 Ethibel 投资名册。这一“ESI 指数体系”由 ETHIBEL 论坛独立定义。Forum ETHIBEL 是一家比利时独立协会,也是针对符合 ESG 和道德标准的产品和服务的公认评级、审计和认证专家。


科莱恩在 2014 年入选新制定的 SXI Switzerland Sustainability 25 Index 指数名单。该指数名单包括 Swiss Market Index Expanded 中 25 家最具可持续性的大型公司。该指数由 Sustainalytics 定期进行审核,评估公司在“环境”、“社会”和“管理”方面的表现。

Design4Circularity, was the recipient of the 2022 Sustainable Packaging Award. The personal Care packaging concept ‘Design4Circularity’ results from a unique value chain collaboration between Beiersdorf, Borealis, Siegwerk, and Clariant.

Rootness Awake, Clariant’s advanced and powerful active ingredient, that fights under-eye circles and eye bags, won gold in the 2022 Environment and Actives categories of the BSB Innovation Awards. Rootness Awake is one of three powerful award winning actives using advanced, sustainable Plant Milking technology.

Clariant and its engineering and technology partner, Technip Energies, were presented with two industry awards for their ground-breaking EARTH technology. EARTH was honored with ‘Best Process Innovation’ in the ICIS Innovation Awards 2022. EARTH also won the ‘Best Refining Technology’ category of the 2022 Hydrocarbon Processing Awards.

In 2022, Clariant’s global climate campaign was honored with the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Sustainability Leadership Award in the category Environmental Protection. The campaign, which saw Clariant offer a free load of its nitrous oxide (N2O) removal catalyst EnviCat N2O-S to ten nitric acid producers who did not yet have such an abatement technology in place, will help cut more than 4 million tons of CO2 equivalents annually.

In 2021, Clariant’s low-carbon footprint Glucamide surfactants - GlucoTain® and GlucoPure® - received an American Chemistry Council (ACC) Sustainability Leadership Award in the category Product Safety, Innovation and Transparency. The award recognized Clariant’s contribution to delivering safe chemistry, innovation and transparency to help progress sustainability commitments across personal care and home care value chains.

Clariant has been honored with several awards for sustainability and innovation. Henkel Adhesive Technologies presented Clariant its 2020 Sustainability Award. In addition, Clariant won in two categories at the 2020 ICIS Innovation Awards. Multi-purpose additive Licocare® RBW Vita won ‘Best Product’ and the ammonia synthesis catalyst AmoMax™-Casale, jointly developed with Casale SA, won ‘Best Sustainable Process’.

In 2020, Clariant was awarded the Indian Chemical Council Aditya Birla Award for Best Responsible Care Committed Company 2019. The award recognized Clariant’s continued efforts to uphold the highest environment, health and safety standards within operations.

In China, Clariant was awarded the 2020 China GoldenBee CSR Award for its advocacy of EcoCircle and commitment to developing products, solutions and partnerships for a circular plastics economy. The GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll is an annual listing of enterprises at the forefront of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in China.

In 2017, Clariant was presented with the Chairman Award during the 2017 Responsible Care award ceremony in Shanghai, China. The event, hosted by the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM), recognizes the outstanding achievements of members in implementing the Responsible Care self-initiative. It is the third time that Clariant has been presented with the award since its initiation in 2013.

Clariant's sustainability flagship label EcoTain® was also selected as the winner of the 2017 Sustainability Best Practice Award and the Sustainability Influencer Award under the Heading Towards 2040: Corporate Innovation and Urban Sustainability Excellence Awards campaign, in Shanghai, China.


科莱恩在 2014 年 9 月荣获联合利华颁发的“共创价值”(Joint Value Creation) 类合作伙伴奖。此前,科莱恩与联合利华密切合作,实现了其全球包装平台的标准化。这意味着该平台在确保质量和产品特性不变的同时,显著提升了成本效率。

凭借创新的 EcoTain® 方法,科莱恩的 Crop Solutions 业务部门荣获国际知名咨询公司 Frost & Sullivan 评选的“新产品创新领导奖”(New Product Innovation Leadership Award),该美国公司在市场研究、市场分析和战略咨询方面颇负盛名。


科莱恩在 2014 年 9 月荣获联合利华颁发的“共创价值”(Joint Value Creation) 类合作伙伴奖。此前,科莱恩与联合利华密切合作,实现了其全球包装平台的标准化。这意味着该平台在确保质量和产品特性不变的同时,显著提升了成本效率。

凭借创新的 EcoTain® 方法,科莱恩的 Crop Solutions 业务部门荣获国际知名咨询公司 Frost & Sullivan 评选的“新产品创新领导奖”(New Product Innovation Leadership Award),该美国公司在市场研究、市场分析和战略咨询方面颇负盛名。


科莱恩在 2014 年 9 月荣获联合利华颁发的“共创价值”(Joint Value Creation) 类合作伙伴奖。此前,科莱恩与联合利华密切合作,实现了其全球包装平台的标准化。这意味着该平台在确保质量和产品特性不变的同时,显著提升了成本效率。

凭借创新的 EcoTain® 方法,科莱恩的 Crop Solutions 业务部门荣获国际知名咨询公司 Frost & Sullivan 评选的“新产品创新领导奖”(New Product Innovation Leadership Award),该美国公司在市场研究、市场分析和战略咨询方面颇负盛名。

In 2019, Clariant was honored with the EcoVadis Sustainable Procurement Leadership Award for ‘Best Internal Stakeholder Engagement’. The award recognizes excellence in sustainability and sustainable procurement and distinguished Clariant as a best-in-class example of driving internal engagement to roll out global sustainable procurement programs.

在伦敦举行的颁奖典礼上,由董事会成员Carlo G. Soave带领的科莱恩员工代表团在约1100名现场嘉宾的见证下,接过了2019年全球采购奖的奖杯。(图片来源:科莱恩)
Clariant was awarded the World Procurement Award 2019 in the category Supplier Risk Management. The award recognized the company’s efforts to engage multiple internal and external stakeholders to deliver a more integrated supply chain process.

In 2016, Clariant was recognized for its long standing commitment to sustainability by the Chinese market. The company received the Sustainable Product & Service Award at the 2016 GoldenBee CSR China Honor Roll, an annual listing of enterprises with outstanding CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) achievements in China.

