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Hohe Produktionseffizienz durch Prozesshilfen

Wo hartes Wasser ein Problem darstellt, kommen Netzmittel oder Enthärter zum Einsatz, um nachteilige Reaktionen zwischen den Elektrolyten des Wassers und den Produktbestandteilen zu reduzieren.

Um die Wirkungsweise einer Prozesshilfe zu verstehen, muss man den Einfluss des Additivs auf die Grössenverteilung der Primärpartikel in der Füller-/TiO2-Suspension analysieren. Eine verbesserte Grössenverteilung von Primärpartikeln führt in der Regel zu besserer Deckkraft des Endprodukts. Darüber hinaus unterstützt die Prozesshilfe das Mahlen der Komponenten in kürzestmöglicher Zeit. Kürzere Verarbeitungszeiten führen zu geringerem Energieverbrauch und erhöhen die Produktionskapazität.

Neutralizing agents for paints & coatings

Produkt Highlights

  • Emulsogen LCN 118
    Emulsogen LCN 118 is used as a nonionic emulsifier for emulsion polymerization improving the shear, temperature and electrolyte stability of polymer dispersions. The recommended usage is 2% active based on monomers.In waterborne and solvent-borne lacquers (low PVC), Emulsogen LCN 118 can be used as a compatibilizer to improve tinting strength and to reduce rub-out, water absorption, and haze effects. Dosage recommendation (supply form) in waterborne acrylic lacquers is 1.3-1.9% and in solvent-borne alkyd lacquers 0.33-0.66%. When used during the premixing phase in the production of waterborne emulsion paints (high PVC), Emulsogen LCN 118 also acts as a processing aid and helps to reduce the grinding time by faster deagglomeration of TiO2 and fillers. This is especially of interest in areas of hard water. The general dosage recommendation (supply form) for this purpose is 0.3%.
  • Emulsogen LCN 158
    Emulsogen LCN 158 is used as a nonionic emulsifier for emulsion polymerization improving the shear, temperature and electrolyte stability of polymer dispersions. The recommended usage is 2% active based on monomers. In waterborne and solvent-borne lacquers (low PVC), Emulsogen LCN 158 can be used as a compatibilizer to improve tinting strength and to reduce rub-out, water absorption, and haze effects. Dosage recommendation (supply form) in waterborne acrylic lacquers is 1.3-1.9% and in solvent-borne alkyd lacquers 0.33-0.66%.When used during the premixing phase in the production of waterborne emulsion paints (high PVC), Emulsogen LCN 158 also acts as a processing aid and helps to reduce the grinding time by faster deagglomeration of TiO2 and fillers. This is especially of interest in areas of hard water. The general dosage recommendation (supply form) for this purpose is 0.3%.
  • Emulsogen TS 100
    Emulsogen TS 100 is a nonionic wetting agent for use as compatibilizer in waterborne high PVC paints, as well as in waterborne and solvent-borne low PVC lacquers. The general dosage (supply form) is 0.5-1.0% in emulsion paints, 1.0-1.5% in acrylic lacquers, and 0.25-1.0% in alkyd lacquers. When used during the premixing phase in the production of waterborne emulsion paints, Emulsogen TS 100 also acts as a process aid and helps to reduce the grinding time by faster desagglomeration of TiO2 and fillers. This is especially of interest in areas of hard water. The general dosage recommendation (supply form) for this purpose is 0.24%.

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