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Increase durability of industrial coatings

From shipping containers to trains, cranes and steel bridges: Industrial coatings protect and beautify surfaces in countless industrial settings.

The coatings resistance to corrosion, wear, chemicals, impacts or as well heat make industrial coatings crucial for guarding industrial objects or structures from damage and deterioration, even in the most challenging environments.

However, the shift from solvent- to water-based formulations is creating increasing complexity in this segment. With a new portfolio of additives, Clariant helps to reduce this complexity, and to formulate high-performing waterbased coatings for anything from containers to transport and construction equipment.

This range of wetting and dispersing agents are able to greatly improve the corrosion resistance and adhesion, as well as reduce the viscosity of waterbased industrial coatings. The benefits of these additives have been extensively tested in standard formulations.

Industrial coatings additives that solve formulation and performance challenges

Find below a summary table of the recommendations of our additives in 3 different paints systems, representatives of the most common formulations for container coatings as well as construction engines and transportation.

  1K acrylic 2K epoxy primer 2K epoxy mid-layer
 Dispersogen® C 4020 o * **
 Dispersogen® Flex 100  o * *
 Dispersogen® IC 80 ** * o
 Dispersogen® PLF 100 * ** *
 Dispersogen® PLF 200 1 ** ** **

o = not suitable   * = good performance   ** = excellent performance vs. market alternative; rating based on corrosion tests on 2 different substrates, adhesion tests, and stability assessment (viscosity)

1 Available in China and Korea; under registration in other parts of the world

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Everything you need for excellent industrial coatings

Clariant Icon Candle 20231026

A portfolio of products for boosting the performance of 1K acrylic, 2K epoxy in various industrial coating systems

Clariant Icon Swiss Knife 20231026

Multifunctional additives that can solve various problems depending on your needs (improved corrosion resistance, better adhesion …)

Clariant Icon Label 20231026

Additives free of hazardous substances, having low VOC/SVOC contents

Clariant Management Candle 20231026

A team of experienced experts dedicated to supporting you in the formulation and development of your coatings

Clariant Image Shanghai Lab Industrial Coatings EN 20231114

Watch how we assess our industrial coatings

This short video shows how the preparation and execution of tests used to assess industrial coatings, highlighting the benefits of water-based wetting and dispersing agents in comparison to current market alternatives.

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