Bohemian Delight
Embrace The Earth Connection
You can have it all!
AND NATURALLY DERIVED INGREDIENTSConvenience and easiness-to-use are growing trendy elements for consumers, thus same formulations that can be used as multi-applications are highly attractive for new generations. Inspired by the demand of all-in-one products and earth-consciousness, Bohemian Delight was born as a novel dual-application for Hair and Skin.
The Bohemian Delight Moisturizing Nectar and Bohemian Delight Nourishing Crème encourages a free spirit connected to the mother nature thanks to exceptional ingredients coming from unique places of the world.
Bohemian Delight
Hair & Skin Moisturizing Nectars
A sensorial nectar, silky rich that enhances a smooth skin,
moisturizing and hydrating the hair and skin.
Reduces the frizzy hair generating more volume and gloss
without split ends.
- > Promotes skin elasticity
- > Herbal moisturizer
- > Improved volume
- > No frizzy-rebel hair

Bohemian Delight
Skin & Hair Nourishing Crème
Smoothening and hydrating crème for skin and hair with the
natural nourishing support of Vitamin E which enhances
the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and protects you
from air pollution.
- > Botanical Cosmo-food
- > Blurs signs of aging
- > Hydrating hair
- > Hair defining