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CHEMVISION™- Improve chemical treatment with data-driven business decisions and analytics.

Live chemical treatment related data and analytics developed to enhance oilfield performance

Clariant Oil Services’ introduces CHEMVISION, an automated chemical analytical services system developed to enhance reporting performance, while providing customer transparency, engagement and participation in the data-driven design of chemical treatment programs.

One product that shows all key business areas:

  • Financial Data
  • Batch Fulfillment Overview
  • Chemical Usage, Deliveries, and Inventory
  • Lab Data and Analytics
  • Safety Data

Higher transparency equals more customer engagement through data driven solutions

Clariant customers trust us to deliver innovative, cost effective solutions that meet them where they are. Through direct access to the CHEMVISION dashboard, you can now receive a clear, bird’s eye view of your chemical treatment program. The KPI driven insights enable oil and gas producers to make faster, data-driven decisions to optimize production.

Through the digital augmentation of our first-class chemical offering, CHEMVISION enables Clariant to become a pro-active partner for oil & gas producers.

CHEMVISION™ generates cost effective benefits to customers

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Less Time Spent Compiling Data

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Real Time Performance Data

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Faster, More Accurate Results

Clariant Icon High Performance ChemVision

Higher Production Performance

This is how it works for you and your company

In order to determine which chemicals are needed and how many gallons have to be applied, our staff takes regular oil samples, which are analyzed in our global field laboratories. This data gets matched and analysed with other chemical treatment related data (e.g. production data, chemical dosage data, past failure data) in order to determine the optimal chemical treatment program. Account Managers were spending a lot of time each month gathering this data from varying sources to prepare monthly reports. Through the digital augmentation of our first-class chemical offering, CHEMVISION enables Clariant to better understand your goals and offer you better solutions through better service.

CHEMVISION automates the manual process of collating data sources, aggregating, analyzing these data-streams and visualizing the overall chemical treatment program. This automation shifts the account manager’s attention from repetitive tasks, providing time normally spent on manually compiling, analysing and reporting data to activities that optimize the chemical treatment program and deliver better, faster and more accurate results to you.

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CHEMVISION™ generates cost effective benefits and optimized performance for your chemical treatment program

CHEMVISION™ signals immediately if the laboratory data is signaling any high failure-risk, allowing our account management team to react in a timely manner by identifying the root-cause and adapting the chemical program as needed, reducing the amount of inefficient chemicals we use, as well as reducing the amount of well-failures you experience.

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