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Mar 08-10, 2023 | Bogota, Colombia


The science of sustainable beauty

Con la integración de nuestro socio a largo plazo Beraca, Clariant ofrece ahora una gama completa de productos naturales, desde aceites hasta activos de alta tecnologia para el mercado cosmético, contribuyendo a un impacto sostenible positivo. No sólo aplicamos la ciencia a lo mejor que nos ofrece la naturaleza, sino que cada vez prestamos más atención a cómo se obtienen los ingredientes y quienes los producen. Mantenemos y reforzamos el compromiso ético de Beraca con el abastecimiento y la estrecha colaboración con las comunidades locales; para garantizar que los entornos naturales se mantengan intactos, mientras que las marcas también se benefician de la transparencia que ofrecemos a través de la trazabilidad completa, desde la planta hasta el producto final.

Visítenos en FarmaCosmética, 08 - 10 de Marzo de 2023

Clariant ofrece ahora una gama completa de activos e ingredientes de origen natural que aumenta el acceso de los formuladores y las marcas a productos recolectados y extraídos de forma responsable con eficacia comprobada y afirmaciones respaldadas por la ciencia para el cuidado de la piel, el cabello y el cuerpo.

Descubra nuestros mas recientes activos y portafolio:

  • Prunizen™ - Activo de origen vegetal para productos dermocosméticos que combate la caída del cabello inducida por el estrés psicoemocional.
  • Galactinol Advanced - Activo para productos dermocosméticos inspirado en la biomimética de las plantas para potenciar la resistencia de la piel.
  • Ethience Protect - Extracto sostenible de Nueces de Brasil (recolectadas por comunidades locales en la selva amazónica) que ayuda a reforzar la función barrera de la piel.
  • Beraclays - Arcillas multifuncionales de origen sostenible de Brasil.
  • Rootness Awake - Activo que actúa en los mecanismos responsables de las ojeras y bolsas debajo de los ojos.

Participe en nuestra charla durante el evento: “Belleza sustentable: la combinación perfecta entre ciencia y naturaleza”. 8 de marzo, 2:20 pm

¡Estaremos encantados de compartir contigo!

Mar 08-10, 2023 | Bogota, Colombia



Bogota, Colombia

  • Galactinol Advanced
    Galactinol Advanced is a natural active ingredient made from white biocatalysis, a sustainable process. Inspired by resurrection plants, Galactinol Advanced supports skin's resilience towards harsh environments to moisture the skin and prevent accelerated aging.
  • Prunizen™
    Prunizen is a natural active ingredient from Prunella vulgaris that targets hair loss due to psycho-emotional stress.
  • Beraca™ Protect
    Beraca Protect is sourced from the brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa), produced by the Brazil nut tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest. Hand-picked by the local communities, the brazil nuts are usually used for their oil. The remaining press cake was previously discarded though it was still rich in polyphenols, molecules with a high interest for the cosmetic industry. By extracting Beraca Protect from this press-cake, it brings new commercial value to this co-product. Beraca Protect efficiently reinforces the skin barrier protection by acting on its three levels: It stimulates the synthesis and transport of lipids, to ensure renewal of the lipid layer that creates a protective film at the surface of the skin and serves as a "mortar" to hold the cells of the stratum corneum altogether It stimulates growth and differentiation of keratinocytes, to ensure renewal of the stratum corneum It supports cells cohesion and reinforces the cytoskeleton of keratinocytes in the epidermis, maintaining a strong structure to prevent external aggressors from entering deeper in the skin Thanks to this triple mode of action, skin hydration is maintained and irritation reactions are lowered, as it was demonstrated through two clinical studies with men and women having compromised skins. For its innovative raw material with an responsibly-sourced supply chain, Beraca Protect won gold at the BSB Innovation Awards 2021 in the category "Environment". To learn more on the product, visit the dedicated webpage Beraca Protect. And to discover our other active ingredients, visit our homepage Clariant Active Ingredients.
  • Rootness™ Awake
    Rootness Awake is a natural active ingredient extracted from the roots of the ipomoea batatas thanks to the Plant Milking technology, an eco-friendly process that allows to grow the plant in aeroponic conditions and to stimulate its roots in order to boost the production of molecules of interest. Rootness Awake is rich in DCQEs (dicaffeoylquinate esters) and targets several mechanisms responsible for under-eye circles and eye bags. The Plant Milking technology was recognized as a responsible production process and this awarded Rootness Awake 2 prestigious awards for its sourcing:- the Gold Prize at the in-cosmetics Green Ingredients Awards 2023- the Gold Prize at the BSB Innovation Awards Environment 2022 In addition, Rootness Awake won another award for its activity and mechanism of action:- the PCHi Fountain award 2023 For more details on the products, visit the dedicated webpage Rootness Awake. And to discover our other active ingredients, visit our homepage Clariant Active Ingredients.

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