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Shareholder and Analyst Center

Clariant targets to create value for shareholders by achieving above-average returns. This includes an attractive capital allocation policy to deliver shareholder value by aiming to continuously distribute a substantial part of underlying net income to our shareholders.

Please use the Shareholder Center to find any relevant information about the Clariant share, the Annual General Meeting and more.

Share Price and Share Information

Share details

Valor symbol CLN   Nominal value  CHF 1.76 
Valor number 1214263   Security Type Registered share
ISIN CH0012142631   Number of outstanding shares 331 939 199
Trading Currency CHF   Free float 68.5%
Stock Exchange SIX Swiss Exchange   Bloomberg CLN SW
  Reuters CLN.VX
Index Member
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe
  • MSCI Equity Switzerland Index
  • SMI Mid
  • SMI Expanded
  • SPI
  • SPI Extra
  • SPI ex SLI
  • SPI ESG Weighted
  • Swiss All Share Index
  • SXI Switzerland Sustainability 25 Index
  • UBS 100 Index

Data per share

Five-year overview and dividend  2023  2022  2021  2020  2019
Number of registered shares issued 331,939,199 331,939,199 331,939,199 331,939,199 331,939,199
Number of shares eligible for dividend 328,848,494 329,016,801 329,116,487 329,553,690 329,352,434
Price at the end of the year (CHF) 12.42 14.65 19.00 18.82 21.60
High of the year (CHF) 16.18 20.40 20.50 23.82 22.40
Low of the year (CHF) 12.30 13.90 17.07 14.39 17.10
Market capitalization at year end (CHF m) 4 123 4 863 6 307 6 247 7 170
Basic earnings per share (CHF) 0.51 0.26 1.04 2.381 0.032
Distribution per share (CHF) 0.423 0.423 0.403 0.704

1 = Restated
2 = Including CHF 231 m provision for a competition law investigation by the European Commission
3 = Through capital reduction by way of par value reduction
4 = Of which CHF 0.55 relates to the 2019 financial year (dividend payout withheld due to COVID-19 uncertainties) and CHF 0.15 relates to the 2020 financial year;
      distribution through a capital reduction by way of a par value reduction of CHF 0.70 per registered share


Clariant commits to its continuous capital Distribution policy and continued success sharing with our shareholders based on improved financial performance.

Distribution in CHF per share-slide

Distribution 2024

The Annual General Meeting of Clariant Ltd, as held on 9 April 2024, approved the proposal of the Board of Directors for a regular distribution of CHF 0.42 per share based on Clariant’s performance in 2023. This distribution is to be made through a capital reduction by way of a par value reduction

The payment to shareholders in the amount of CHF 0.42 per registered share was made on 3 June 2024, after a successful registration of the ordinary capital reduction in the Commercial Register. Please first contact your bank or broker in case you have questions about the distribution related to your Clariant holdings.

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Clariant’s Investor Relations team is committed to an open and fair dialogue with all of its stakeholders. Please contact us.

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